Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do you play all year?

A. YES! We offer water polo 11 out of the 12 months of the year. We take the month of August off. This is because of the start of the school year and the start of the high school water polo season in FBISD.


Q. How is the year broken up? Are there seasons?

A. We like to divide our year into 3 "seasons". Fall: September-December, Spring: January-April and Summer: May-July.


Q. How often do you play in tournaments?

A. We will try and schedule 1 tournament in the Fall, 2-3 tournaments in the Spring and 2-3 Tournaments in the summer.  


Q. My son is only 6 but is a good swimmer can he try out ?

A. Yes. We are not going to keep a good swimmer from not trying out the sport.


Q. Your program starts June 1st, my husband is away on business can we still register on another time?

A. Yes. You can register at anytime. Please click here


Q. Do you have rolling admission my daughter plays soccer on travel team and she does not finish until April 4?

A. Yes. Our club is a monthly payment. If you start in the middle of the month your rate will be prorated.


Q. My son is 9 and his sister is 7 and I would love them both to play, he is a good swimmer but she is really unsure as none of her friends play ?

A. Bring them both! We are able to accommodations all swimming levels.


Q. My daughter plays another sport is it okay if she does both? She might have to miss some practice sessions.

A. Of course! We are not here to hinder the participation in other sports. Multi-sport athletes thrive in water polo!


Q. Will my son play all year or do you train just until high school starts?

A. The goal of our club is to provide the opportunity to participate year around. It is not necessary for success in the sport of water polo but it is high encouraged to spend as much time in the water as you can!


Q. How long does my USA Water Polo Membership last?

A. The membership goes from the date you signed up to the next year on the same date.  So if you sign-up on November 23rd of 2023 your membership will be good until November 23rd 2024.


Q. Can I join FBAC and not USWP ?

A. If you want to practice with the club you are going to need to register with USWP. They are our insurance for the athletes.


Q. Do you have family discounts?

A. WE DO! For every subsequent family member added to club there is a 20% discount. For example if your have your 16 year old son playing it is $150.00 per month. His little brother wants to play 14U it would be $120.00 per month. And if their little sister wants to play 12U it would be $0.00 per month. Our 3rd athlete in a family is always given complimentary membership.  For three kids in a family to play for FBAC it would total $270.00 per month saving them $180.00 per month.